Muscle cramps keeping you awake at night?
Magnesium plays a widespread, critical role in the body as one of the 24 essential vitamins and minerals
So low magnesium levels can throw many of the body’s functions off course, and raise risks for chronic health problems.
Healthy magnesium levels protect metabolic health, stabilize mood, keep stress in check, promote better sleep, and contribute to heart and bone health.
Mag Phos is an anti-spasmodic tissue salt. It relieves cramps and aches, and supplements the action of Kali Phos. Mag Phos is quick to relieve pain, especially cramping, shooting, darting or spasmodic pain. It relieves muscular twitching, cramps, hiccups, convulsive fits of coughing and those sudden, sharp twinges of pain that are so distressing.
Tissue Salts:
Tissue Salts are a homoeopathically prepared micro-dose of the body's 12 essential minerals. Tissue Salts "bridge the gap" by ensuring the nutrients we obtain from our diet are directed into the body's cells and enable effective restoration of the natural balance of the body.
Schuessler Tissue Salts are suitable for the whole family. Available in both an oral spray and tasteless, chew-able tablets.
Chew tablets or crush and dissolve in water.
- Adults: 1 tablet
- Children: 1/2 tablet
- Infants: 1/4 tablet
Oral Spray:
- Adults: 4 sprays
- Children: 2 sprays
- Infants: 1 spray
- Acute conditions: every half an hour (up to 6 doses per day) until symptoms subside.
- Chronic or maintenance dose: 4 times daily.
- Take half an hour before meals, last dose at bedtime, or as professionally prescribed.