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Absolute Essential Lavender True Essential Oil (Organic) 10ml
Absolute Essential Lavender True Essential Oil (Organic) 25ml
Absolute Essential Lavender True Essential Oil (Organic) 50ml

Absolute Essential Lavender True Essential Oil (Organic)

Regular price $27.00 Sale


Certified organic, France

Lavender is an exceptional natural healer and makes a wonderful first aid all-rounder.

It is great for skin care, repair and wounds, and deeply calming - good for restful sleep, and against emotional conflict and nervous tension.

Absolute Essential Lavender True Essential Oil (Organic) is gentle enough to be applied directly to the skin, (for healing or to pulse points as a rescue response). Its gentle action makes it ideal for children and the elderly. Blends well with: most essential oils, very easy to blend.

Suggestions for use:

  • Skin Healing - to assist the skin's natural healing and regeneration processes, especially when blistered or scalded, apply 2-5 drops directly to area. Lavender True is very calming and may help to ease painful nerve activity. Begin immediately and repeat hourly.
  • Sleep & Calm - luxuriate in a calm, balanced atmosphere that promotes relaxation, and helps to counter restlessness and sleeplessness. Add 10 drops to your bath or diffuser. Repeat as required. Use half dose for children.
  • Shock - when experiencing shock or injury, bring the bottle of Lavender True to the nose and inhale deeply or add a few drops to pulse points. This will promote calm and balance and supports the body's natural healing and restorative processes.
  • Bruising - to aid healing when skin is bruised, apply 1-2 drops directly to the area, prior to discolouration if possible. Repeat for several days. This oil can also be blended 50/50 with Geranium as a first aid preparation for all knocks and bruises.

Traditional & Historical Information:

Lavender has been widely used for over 2,500 years. The Romans scented their public bathhouses with it and the ancient Egyptians included it in mummification. In Medieval and Renaissance Europe washerwomen were known as lavenders because they spread their laundry over lavender bushes to dry. Lavender has historically been promoted for its soothing, relaxing qualities and has been used to treat hyperactivity, insomnia, headaches, and sore joints.

Lavender was also used to help ward off diseases such as the plague and cholera. Lavender is believed to act as a mild sedative and has been used to treat burns, bruises and insect bites. It has long been considered a herb of love. Cleopatra was said to have used Lavender to seduce Julius Caesar and Mark Antony.

Please note: the traditional uses listed here are for reference only and under no circumstances should they be taken as recommendations for cures or treatments for diseases or medical conditions. Therapeutic oils are used to support natural body functions and work in harmony with our body's physiology.

Origin and Key Components:

Lavender True Essential Oil Lavandula angustifolia maillette, flower, distilled, certified organic, France. 

Safety considerations: 

Lavender is one of the safest essential oils if used as directed. Safe to use with other medication when necessary. If accidentally ingested do not induce vomiting, follow with olive oil or milk and seek advice from a health specialist. Avoid contact with eyes - flush with water. Keep out of reach of children.

Please note: Therapeutic plant oils are used to support natural body processes for optimum health and wellbeing. The information here is NOT meant as a recommendation to cure any medical condition or disease.


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