Biomodulin Probiotic Capsules - NOW AVAILABLE AGAIN!
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Biomodulin™ however is a super probiotic designed to restore your naturally correct gut bacteria.
There are now many probiotic products on the market - including some with dubious benefits, and some that may temporarily upset your digestive system.
Unlike many probiotics on the market today, Biomodulin™ is widely tolerated by a range of people and usually delivers immediate benefits. In fact, you should notice an immediate improvement in digestive activity (especially bowel) after taking it for 1 - 2 days.
Probiotic supplementation is especially important if you experience digestive discomfort e.g. gas/ bloating and intolerance to some foods. Biomodulin™ is:
- Widely tolerated by a range of people
- May assist constipation or diarrhoea or the feeling of incomplete or irregular bowel elimination
- Helps counter bad breath and plaque
- A healthier digestive tract ensures may start to counteract the following common symptoms:
- Stools in unusual shapes, bad smelling or mucous in stool
- Skin problems, - rashes, eczma, acne or other skin problems
- Weight loss or gain - and difficulty gaining or losing weight
- Back pain, headaches, aching joints
- Stomach cramps or pain
- Anxiety or depression
- Symptoms of candida (yeast) overgrowth such as thrush in women
What makes Biomodulin™ truly different from other probiotics? Biomodulin™:
- It is manufactured with individual granules resistant to gastric (stomach) breakdown, meaning the intact ‘Super Probiotics’ are delivered into the small intestine where they are needed - a well thought-out ‘delivery system’.
- Contains extremely competitive probiotic ('friendly') organisms that colonise the intestine and displace disease-causing organisms, establishing more 'friendly' gut flora. This in turn can also help with nutrient absorption.
- Was developed by Russian scientists from research spanning 18 years and included research into indigenous Tibetan and Mongolian health practices.
- May enhance immune and cellular functions by detoxification of the lymphatic system and organs, especially the liver, and
- Contains many enzymes that may also assist in the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats and proteins so that they ca by stimulating immunological activity of the spleen, thymus and lymph nodes.n be absorbed, and may assist with hormone production.
- Not only increases assimilation of vitamins and other nutrients from food, but also actually synthesizes vitamins within the microflora of our bodies, especially Vitamins B and K.
Directions for Use:
Adults: Recommended initial dose for intensive gut restoration is 1-3 capsules with a glass of water 15 minutes up to 3 times per day - before breakfast, before lunch and before bed at night.
Maintenance dose - take 2 - 3 capsules once per day before a meal or before bed.
Propietary probiotic blend in pasturised cultured milk, honey and rice bran.
More background on the Research Behind Biomodulin™
Biomodulin™ is the end product of a quest by several Russian medical doctors and scientists. The Russian Medical School in Siberia, set out to find out why certain indigenous peoples kept excellent health, despite poor living conditions and dietary practices. The researchers found that many variations of life enhancing substances are used in certain segments of the populations of Tibet, Mongolia, and other ancient societies where people often live to be 140 years old and still sire children at 100!
Researchers discovered that all these various societies use products cultured from organic milk combined with other ingredients of well guarded origin. Upon testing these cultures in the laboratory, they found not only; enzymes, amino acids, and several other known substances, but also over 1000 different extremely vigorous ‘ancient’ and unique bacteria.
These ‘Super Probiotics’ actually compete with less welcome occupants of the digestive tract. These include pathogens such as candida albicans, staphylococcus, salmonella, helicobacter pylori and many others. Upon gaining dominance, these super bacteria then work in a symbiotic relationship with the body, and among other duties, assist in the assimilation of nutrients.