Wishing you much health, happiness & prosperity in 2019!
Thank you so much for your support over the past year and more. Your support has meant so much, and has enabled steady growth for us with dreams to begin to flourish. We hope 2018 has brought positive changes that can come to fruition for you in 2019.
Eco-Friendly Evolution
Wow, was 2018 a powerful year for the sustainability and zero (or rather, low) waste movement! It was the year people - including many 'mainstream' people - realised small change can make a big difference, and we have to stop relying on government and councils to push for change. My husband and I couldn't believe how dinner table conversations had changed this Christmas. People seem more willing to take ownership and make some personal changes.
2018 saw Be Vibrant's eco-friendly product category hugely expand. We also started packaging all orders that were sent from our base in the cardboard and paper that comes to us from our suppliers. And we partnered with suppliers like R3Pack who provide sustainably produced, home-compostable courier bags.
Long may this movement towards zero waste last! My goal has been, and still is, to write about composting at home - something I've been passionate about for a while. Stay tuned!

Try A Fun, Magic Ritual This New Year
If you enjoy playing with creating heart-felt intentions in your life, here is a little ritual for you to try.
1. Choose a convenient time and mood. This doesn't have to be done on 1st. It is vital to feel inspired and come from a place of energy, optimism and joy. When you are ready, get an envelope, a piece of paper and a good writing pen.
2. Imagine that you have an opportunity to choose how you would like to spend the coming year. Perhaps you would like to travel to certain places, or discover new ones? Start a business? Create or renew a relationship? Or maybe you want to make a learn languages, build a house ... or simply create more space and joy in your life.
Perhaps it is several of these things?
You can also choose a main goal and build your other desires around the main goal.
3. On a piece of paper, write on the topic “How I spent 2019”. Write in the style that comes most naturally to you - either as bullet points or as an essay. The important things are that it is written as if by your future-self, and that your writing describes your year in detail. It is important that you can feel it all. Remember to write it all in past tense, as if it has already happened.
4. After you finish, put your letter in an envelope and seal it so that you won’t be tempted to open it during the year. At the end of 2019, unseal it and hopefully be delightfully surprised!
5. If you have a wonderful experience with this, please do let us know! With your permission, we'd love to share your story next new year.
Remember, you are the one who creates that bit of magic in your life!