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Home Made Citrus Fruit Quercetin Liquid

You can easily make a liquid rich in Quercetin from Citrus fruit. What is Quercetin and why is it a great thing to look at having at home?

Flavonoids or polyphenols are a to a special class of antioxidant compounds. Eating a diet rich in fruits and especially vegetables can go a long way toward keeping you healthy thanks to these. Quercetin and pterostilbene are two such flavonoids.

Citrus Fruit

Because these antioxidants are found in very small amounts in only a handful of foods and your body’s ability to absorb them in their natural state is poor or inadequate, your potential for benefits from eating them can be limited.

You may like to supplement with Quercetin or better still, make this very simple quercetin-rich liquid at home.

Quercetin may assist and support the body in dealing to viral infections. It is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-allergic, and antiviral. Citrus Fruit Quercetin Recipe:

For higher concentrations of grapefruit, a blood thinner, simply add more grapefruit peel or whole fruit.

Personally I like to use a combination of chopped whole fruit and peels from fruit I've eaten. I eat the flesh of fresh grapefruit and place the skins into a jar of water in the fridge till I'm ready to make the liquid. Same thing with peels of lemons and limes etc I've juiced over the week.

I like the rich, bitter and sour flavour a mixture of grapefruit and peel, lemons and lime.

Caution: not suitable for people on blood thinning medications. Please talk to your doctor for advice.

Ingredients per cupful:

  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup of whole chopped citrus or peels (see notes above). Chop to approx 3-4cm chunks


1. Simply place water and citrus into a pot. The fruit/ peel should be mostly covered by water. If you've had citrus peel stored in water in the fridge like I do, then use this water in the brew.

2. Cover with a well fitting lid and bring to a gentle simmer and leave to simmer for 3-4 hours. Do not remove the lid.

4. Allow to cool overnight with the lid still on.

5. Strain the liquid, squeeze the fruit to get all the last goodies and place liquid into jars to freeze or consume.  Optionally add some raw honey for taste. It should easily keep for 1-2 weeks in the fridge.  I have 2-4 Tablespoonfuls daily. Halve that for kids.

I also have successfully made jellies with this liquid - these are strong flavoured! I simply used natural gelatin, citrus quercetin liquid and raw manuka/ bush honey.

Also excellent with gin and soda instead of extremely sugary tonic water!

Further Information on Quercetin:

Further reading on anti-viral studies:



  • The fruit/ remaining solids should probably be discarded after this liquid is made. I have a home compost for anything organic! It’s pretty spent after simmering for so long. Yes, I do freeze this liquid and found it perfectly good that way.

  • Thanks, found this really helpful and enjoying drinking the liquid.

  • Can you freeze this? Thankyou

  • I followed direction. What do I do with the cooked fruit? I thought to bland it and freeze, your thoughts please.

  • Thank you! Excellent information. The truth of this miracle elixir is being maligned by the media, the politicians and the fascist big pharma companies among others who are actively attempting to seize our sovereignty as children of God. Jesus will judge them.


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