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Super Protein Boosting Shake

Try this shake anytime you need some lasting sustenance and protein.

Protein Boosting Smoothie

I made this protein-rich smoothie one afternoon when I had been pretty careful with what I was eating all day, but had an energy slump late afternoon. I'd been exercising quite a bit, and I suspected that even though I had a wonderful salad at lunch, I hadn't eaten enough protein with it, so put together this shake. And, after the boost I got from this shake (from wanting to have a 'nap' before it!), I must have been right! Use this magic trick any time you feel your energy waning and suspect you need a protein boost!

Not recommended if you're pregnant, breast-feeding, or for young kids - as it uses raw egg.

Tip: Always use free-range eggs, as aside from the animal welfare issues of cage eggs, free range contain vitamins and the invaluable input of sunshine!! Free-range eggs are twice the price of cage eggs - but they are still an inexpensive and fantastic protein!


  • 2 Free Range eggs
  • 1 cup almond, rice or whole dairy milk
  • 2 heaped teaspoons Raw Cacao
  • 1 heaped teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper (optional)
  • 1/2 scoop Nuzest Clean Lean Protein


If you want to add a little more healthy fat to the mix, then add some a little coconut oil or Flaxseed oil.

Note: This recipe is not really sweet. If you are a sweet-tooth, you can always add more sweet like maple syrup, but be wary of the sugar imbalance and energy slump this can cause.

Blend until slightly frothy with your blender, otherwise hand whisk with a fork or whisk.

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