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Mercola Breast Health Formula
Mercola Breast Health Formula

Mercola Breast Health Formula

Regular price $26.20 Sale


If you're a woman, you know there can be hidden - and sometimes confusing- challenges to keeping your breasts feeling healthy, and it's difficult to know whether it's related to your diet, your lifestyle, or the environment.  Depending upon your particular life stage - whether you're in your early adult years, your child-bearing years, or your menopausal and post-menopausal years - those challenges can and do change.

However, your goal is the same as that of any woman, of any age: to enjoy optimal breast health throughout your entire life.

This is a product that many women are probably eagerly waiting for and will embrace…and it's one that's sure to help bring peace of mind to women who want to do all they can to support the health of their breasts naturally.

Breast Health Formula contains a proprietary blend of eight active ingredients:

  • DIM (Di-Indoylmethane) - similar to the valuable I3C compound found in cruciferous vegetables
  • Lycopene - a potent antioxidant in fruits and vegetables, to scavenge free radicals. It accumulates in breast tissue and helps protect against oxidative stress and estrogenic activity
  • HMRlignan™ - a plant lignan that's converted by intestinal flora into a type of phytoestrogen that may help maintain a healthy balance of estrogen
  • Cranberry Juice Concentrate - because it's also rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients.
  • Vitamin D - shown by research to support breast and immune health
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), B6, and B12 - offering an immune boost and more antioxidant protection against the harmful effects of free radicals in the body.

Now is the perfect time to start giving your body the support to keep your breast tissue healthy that any woman's body might need.



To support breast health, take 1 capsule daily with food and water.


Nutritional Information:



Please see the Supplement Facts image for details of ingredients and quantities. To view the full product label, please click here.



If you are pregnant, breast-feeding, or taking prescription medicines, you may wish to consult with your healthcare professional before taking.


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