Absolute Essential Crown Chakra Essential Oils (Organic)
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Balance crown chakra to connect with your innate sense of well-being and happiness.
Absolute Essential Crown Chakra Essential Oils are a positive and stimulating blend to encourage awareness of connection to all: oneness consciousness.
It's ready to use on skin.
The crown chakra is the energy centre of our connection to source energy, unity and universal consciousness. Made with pristine, organic essential oils, Absolute Essential Crown Chakra Oils can be used to work with the Higher Self energy that allows wisdom, inspiration and blissful meditation to manifest in our life. It may be especially useful for people dealing with sadness and confusion, to anchor into one's spiritual connection to source energy.
- Divine Consciousness and Connection to Higher Self: Crown Chakra Oil supports our connection to the unified energy flow that is present in all things. When we are ready to acknowledge the infinite nature of our reality, we may begin to fulfil our energetic potential and fully realise holistic wellbeing.
- Sadness: If we can move into the energy source at our crown chakra we can be nourished at spirit level to feel supported and connected.
- Meditation: Crown Chakra Oil supports a conscious move into meditative energy and can be used to complement dedicated practice.
- Skin Rashes: One physical manifestation of unhealthy crown chakra energy is considered to be the appearance of skin rashes. Supporting the transport of source energy throughout the body and beyond is directly connected to healthy skin process.
Directions for use:
Massage into the upper body, especially the head, neck and hairline, as a daily treatment for 10 days.
Size: 10ml
Key Components:
- Petitgrain Bigarade (organic) Citrus auranthium aur. Traditional use: Calming and restorative.
- Myrrh (wild) Commiphora myrrha Traditional use: meditative and cleansing.
- Neroli Blossom (organic) Citrus auranthium ssp. aur. Traditional use: Good for anxiety or sadness; uplifting and balancing.
- Sandalwood Australian Santalum spicatum Traditional use: Relaxing and creative.
Lavender True (organic), Jojoba Oil golden (organic), Sandalwood Australian, Frankincense (wild), Petitgrain Bigarade (organic), Cypress (organic), Neroli Blossom (organic), Myrrh (wild).
Safety considerations: Safe if applied as directed. Not for internal use: if swallowed, drink milk, consult a health specialist. Avoid contact with eyes: flush with water. Keep out of reach of children.
Please note: Therapeutic plant oils are used to support natural body process for optimum health and wellbeing. The information here is NOT meant as recommendation for cure of any medical condition or disease.