Biodegradable & Compostable Products
Here at Be Vibrant, we have our own home septic system (meaning we need to use biodegradable cleaning and bath/ shower products), and we also love composting! Composting (and also use of biodegradable products as much as possible) is something we've done for years. Not necessarily to create garden compost (in the days before we had a proper garden...), but because it just makes sense. In NZ, most of us have enough land to allow biodegradable items to break down naturally in a compost bin. What this means is simply less waste to landfill, and less toxic waste into our precious Earth overall. At landfill, biodegradable items combine with all manner of other waste to become an unusable toxic mass, potentially emitting CO2. (Larger cities often have methane/ carbon capture schemes, while smaller centres do not.)
Nowadays, we especially love composting because it feeds our garden and supplements our fruit and veggie intake! We actively look for brown waste such as paper and leaves, along with local horse poo etc. Feel free to drop us a line for any composting yarns and/ or tips - we love talking biodegradable waste!
Our dog Ash leisurely supervising us gardening
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